Marble Star is a specially formulated liquid that penetrates deep into the structure of the marble and solidifies. This process not only hardens the structure but also seals the surface. As a result of the increased hardness, the polish attained by the marble is greatly enhanced the life if the polish is increased. Even the more poros varieties of marble can be given a mirror finish.
1. Grind the stone with the abrasives '0M', '1M',and '2M' (Oruse 60,100 and 200 grit diamond pads)
2. wash floor with SURIE POLEX Floor cleaner neutral & make sure it is completely dry. Cover adjoining fabric, plastic or parquet floor. Protect furniture from splashes. Wear gloves & rubber boots.
3. Pour Marble star into the surface and spread it evenly for ease of absorption.
4. Wait for each coat to be completely absorbed before applying the next coat.
5. For maximum effect do 5 to 6 applications. Stop applying when the stone no longer absorbs Marble Star.
6. Wait atleast 24 hours after the last coat and then use the abrasives '2L', '3' and '4'.
7. Apply 2-3 additional coats of marble star at this stage for best results.
8. Wait 24 hours and then use the abrsive '5' (Or use 3000 grit diamond pad). You may futher enhance shine by using 5000, 8000,and 12000 grit diamond pads.
9.Finish the polishing process with 5X abrasive or you use N2ZX or ZXTRA crystallizing powder.